Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Full Translation Ep 50

Anyyeong. Baru bangun langsung ngecek, dan foila, akhirnya translationnya kelar juga. Ini dia

Y: The last mission…

Y: This is the last mission… Last mission

Y: Give your wife the happiest day?

Y: tada

S: Oh, right! Today is white day!

Y: White day.

S: Oh, thank you so much!

S: looks tasty, Thank you. Look at this!

Y: inside me is you.

S: Looks tasty. I’ll save it and eat it later.

Y: Hey, did you see the mission card?

S: Let’s have a good time today.

Y: I’m going to cry.

S: I’m not going to cry.

Y: Is it fun? You can laugh about this?

Y: Ah, to think that this is the last time I’m going to lay down here.

S: Do you want to lay down for a bit?

Y: I have to do this…

S: It feels that I have to shred yam…

S: This little…

Y: what did you say?

Y: Oh right, Seohyun.

Y: If we are going to go and have fun then we will need money.

S: You’re right.

Y: From our savings account…

S: Saving account? We had something like that?

Y: Why are you like that….?

S: what is that?

Y: from a while back…

MC: Oh my gosh, does she not remember?

Y: When we watched Avatar.

S: When we watched Avatar.

MC: Oh Seohyun – sshi!

< 1year ago Yongseo couple making a couple’s savings account>

Bank assistant: Pleas come again!

Y: I’ll come back when I need the money.

Y: Don’t act like you don’t know… I know everything.

S: No really!

Y: You’re acting like you don’t know!

S: What do you mean?

Y: Don’t act Seo JuHyun. This is it…

S: OH! It’s real!

S: Oh it’s real! Oh! Now I remember!

Y: Don’t lie to me. Don’t act Seo Juhyun.

S: I don’t remember it.

S: Of course I remember it. How would I not remember it?

S: if I said that I did remember he would think that I would have deposited a lot. That isn’t the case!.

S: It’s been a while since the weather is actually nice>

Y: Ah, you’re right. Let’s go and catch the bus, the bus.

S: Oh~ oppa, you still didn’t get your driver’s license?

Y: Oh man, when do I have time to get it?

S: What is this!?

MC: Oh he got it!?

Y: Oh I didn’t have time to get a license.

JS: Yes, he got his license.

MH: Yes, he got it.

MC: the whole nation is happy because Jung Yonghwa got his license.

MC: what makes this even better is that he did it even thought it was really hard. How many times did he fail…

S: Oppa!

Y: get in!

S: I don’t want to die though!

Y: What!? Die…?!

S: You can’t drive without a license!

Y: What do you mean without license? I am a person who acquired it undoubtedly in this nation.

S: You got it?!

Y: yeah, get it.

Y: Seohyun shi, shall we go?

S: When did you get your license?

MC: So he didn’t tell her because he wanted to surprise her.

S: SEAT BELT! SEAT BELT! This person!...

S: Since when did you get your license that you forgot about that?

Y: shall we go?

S: let’s go.

Y: Finally, I can drive.

S: wow. It really is like a dream.

MC: this couple always walked around.

MC: So apparently girls like guys who have cars.

MC: I want to meet a guy who has a car.

MC: I have a car.

MC: Has a car and is good looking.

MC: oh really? I only have a car.

S: It’s the picture from that time.

MC: Oh he is showing his license.

MC: oh it’s that picture, that picture

S: Wow, it’s surreal.

Y: I should have brought you to your college.

MC: his mouth… is opening….

MC: When he drives, does he usually open his mouth?

JS: Yes, he does that.

S: be careful not to scratch others.

MC: His mouth….

MC: He can’t even speak.

MC: He isn’t looking the other way.

MC: His mouth is still wide open.

MC: To look cool, the guy has to do this in one go.

MC: Oh his tires are still out.

MC: He will have to get out and see it and then he has to get back in.

Y: Oh! The tires! The tires are out.

Y: I’ll just change the tires and come back out.

MC: See, Look…

S: Oh the weather is nice.

Y: Let’s go Seohyun.

Y: OH I almost parked horribly!

Y: what about the savings account…

S: I really didn’t.. I’ll believe in you.

S: You have to put it in like that?

MC: I wonder how much is in there.

S: What is this?

Y: When did you deposit money?

S: I deposited…

Y: When did you put in so much?

S: I didn’t put in a lot.

S: why?

Bank teller: what can I do for you today?

Y: We came today to retrieve our hard earned money… to spend it.

Bank teller: with your withdrawal, are you also closing the account?

Y: We have to close it?

MC: Oh they have to close their account.

Y: We have to even close the account?

S: We will have to do it…

Y: Yes…

Y: I only came here once but I already have to close the account.

Y: Oh… money is coming out.

Y: when do people usually close their accounts?

Bank teller: they end their joint account when they are separating.

Y: Oh really?

S & Y: Oh this is sad.

Y: We can still have this accounting booklet…

Bankteller: yes you can keep the booklet.

Y: rip it in half.

S: I was going to do the same thing.

S: Alright, for now let’s keep this and get going.

MC: I wonder what last happy day it would be.

S: Oppa, how long do you think it is going to take?

Manager: around 15minutes.

S: oh, 15 minutes.

S: You can see it as a separation but I never wanted to do a separation vacation really. I really wanted to happily spend the day.

S: the feeling of the first meeting. That feeling.

S: I want to feel that again… and I thought about separating beautifully.

MC: oh the hair style.

MC: Oh it’s the same.

MC: Oh wow it’s the same!

MC: it’s like déjà vu

S: This is weird, it’s weird.

Y: I think the strongest memory is the first meeting. Would it be awkward if we went back to where we first met.

MC: They met at MBC

MC: Oh wow, they are going back to the first meeting place.

MC: right there, in the front.

MC: Oh, CNBLUE were there also…

MH: Jungshin back then was wearing the backpack and pretended to be the husband.

MC: He wore the similar clothing and is wearing his handmade scarf.

S: Oh no! I’m almost there!

Y: Oh she is here.

MC: He’s hiding.

MC: She’s here.

MC: She’s wearing the same backpack, and even the blanket!

MC: why are your shoulders so tiny!?

MC: we can all see his legs…

Y: Hello.

S: Hello.

MC: are they acting out their first meeting?

MC: they must really feel weird.

Y: Hello.

S: Hello.

S: Yes, let’s go.

Y: You look the same

S: Do I?

Y: Yeah.

S: Oppa… why do you look different?

Y: what do you mean different? I wore similar clothes.

S: It’s not the same.

Y: I wore similar clothes.

Y: the color is the same.

MC: The color is the same.

MC: 1year ago.

Y: Hello.

S: This is my first time meeting you.

Y: What is your age?

S: I’m 21

Y: oh you’re 21 right now.

S: Yes.

Y: I’m 23.

S: Oh… right…

MH: The only difference is their age.

S: Yong husband already just looked at me differently. Just like when I met him the first time.

Y: Wow, it was really the same. That feeling. It was so similar.

Y: After recollecting my memories from the past year, I think I was even more glad to see her.

Y: Why did you come so late?

S: I didn’t come late.

Y: You’re always late!

S: I wasn’t late!

Y: This is our first meeting and you’re acting like this?

S: you put a lot of effort into the greeting.

Y: I’m very sorry.

JS: After Yong hyung went on WGM his sense got weaker

^(Authors note, I really didn’t get what they said here! SORRY!)

Y: Hello!

Manager: Hi

S: Please put on your seatbelt.

S: seatbelt!

Y: Oh right, yes.

S: I written it down.

Y: What?

S: What I should ask you.

S: who do you look up too?

Y: Bon Jovi

S: Mine is Ban Ki-Moon, the UN secretary general.

S: Do you like to read books?

Y: Books? I would like to read them…

S: there is a self-improvement genre.

S: Do you like to read books?

Y: Oh do you like to read books?

S: Do you like books?

Y: Yes.

S: who is the person you respect?...

Y: I respect Ban Ki-moon the UN Secretary General.

S: Oh really?

S: Why is that?

Y: I read a book that was about him and became a fan.

Y: how about you Seohyun sshi?

S: I too admire Ban Ki-Moon the UN Secretary General.

Y: Is this how we understand each other?

S: I also like Bon Jovi.

Y: Bon Jovi also?

MC: After they met they became similar.

S: What is this?

Y: I wrote down what I wanted to ask when I get a wife.

MH: Oh so this time it’s Yonghwa who is asking the questions from the diary.

Y: One, which idol do you like?

S: An idol that I like?

Y: Please say it…

S: FTIsland

S: I also like CNBlue.

Y: CNBlue? They are good.

Y: Out of the members of CNBlue who do you like the most?

< what will she say this time?>

S: The person who sings the best?

Y: Oh, really?

MC: Oh then that’s Jungshin.

S: The person looks like an octopus.

MC: Oh the person who looks like an octopus.

JS: Oh, it’s Yonghwa Hyung.

Y: I don’t think anyone looks like an octopus.

S: there is.

Y: You’re the one who looks like an octopus.

S: No. What do you mean an octopus?

Y: What is the drama that you liked?

MC: You’re Beautiful?

S: I really like historical dramas.

Y: You don’t like dramas with good looking guys?

S: Oh, you mean Boy’s Over Flowers?

S: Oh, You’re Beautiful.

Y: Yes

S: Yes I liked that.

Y: Your ideal man…

S: I don’t have an ideal man.

Y: Oh really?

Y: What is your husband’s name?

S: My husband’s name is … Jung…

Y: Yonghwa?

Y: you got everything right.

S: Oh really?

Y: Yes, with that one answer you answered everything.

S: Oh really?

MC: Those questions had answers to them?

Y: It’s not like I really needed to hear it… but it’s the last time, and I’m her husband… but she isn’t going to do it now…

S: Oh, I know what’s going on, I quickly caught on. For the best Idol group it is CNBlue, The band that I like the most is CNBlue and the person who I really like in that group is Jung Yonghwa.

S: And in my favorite drama that’s called You’re Beautiful I really liked the character named Shinwoo.

S: Are you satisfied now?

S: Yes, everybody should know it.

Y: this is the last question. What is the difference between love and like?

S: Difference!?

Y: Have you ever went out with a guy before?

S: what is the difference between love and like?

Y: what did you say?

Y: you.. you really are great.

S: to like…

S: Is to have a good feeling toward someone.

Y: Yes.

S: And to love is…?

S: Is to have good feelings toward someone x100. I means that you have more interest in that person.

S: To love is to like that person deeper!

Y: to love that person deeper?

Y: I got the feeling that she finally understood it. Before she really didn’t know what it was but now even though she couldn’t explain well I got the feeling she knew what the difference was.

Y:yeah. I felt that she knew.

S: to use a figure of speech, I’ll try to make a beautiful.

S: Like is… like when a dandelion seed is on the ground and it’s a soft and good feeling. While love is that same seed is in the ground is growing and sprouting. A dandelion seed can always be spotted and always can just fly away. But for that flower to grow, you need to give it water, block it from the wind and it becomes very precious. That is what I think of it.

S: Oh this is embarrassing!

S: I thought about it.

S: I really thought about it hard. It might not be the right answer but… I thought isn’t like that?

S: Oppa, what do you think love is?

Y: there is good feelings.

Y: Love is…

S: Love is…

Y: to think about that person

S: to think about that person.

Y: makes you crazy. *sighs* something like that.

Y: Oh really? ARGHH!

Y: Thanks Seohyun, for thinking like that.

S: What?...

Y: it’s the same practice room from before.

MC: Isn’t that your office?

MH: yes that is our office/practice room.

MC: Oh here!

S: It really has been a while.

Y: Wow, It really is the same.

Y: this is actually my favorite room.

MC: I remember they played their guitar and practiced there.

MC: ah, he pushed back her hair.

Y: oh give me your bag.

Y: Seohyun shi, do you like the guitar?

S: Yes!

Y: Oh really?

S: It’s big.

Y: It’s awkward.

S: Please sing me I’m a Loner!

Y: oh I’m a loner…

Y: Thank you.

S: It’s nothing.

Y: Coming here, it really does remind me of our first meeting.

S: I know. I really remember it.

Y: Would you like to learn how to play the guitar?

S: Yes.

Y: Do you have the confidence to learn it?

S: Yes!

Y: I taught it once to someone but for 1yr didn’t practice.

S: Oh they must have had a reason.

Y: Ay~ how can there be something like that?

S: There is.

Y: right…

S: there is a reason…

Y: It’s been a while since you saw it.

S: Yes

S: Hello! Have you been good?

S: Oh no, you have dust on you.

MC: That is the guitar that Yonghwa personally bought.

S: I think I need to tune my guitar again…

Y: give it here.

MC: if you don’t play with the instrument for a while it gets broken.

S: How would you know?

Y: Oh it still is fine.

S: Oh really?

S: It is alright?

Y: Yeah it’s tuned.

S: Really!? No such thing…

Y: No such thing?

S: no I meant…

Y: I thought you were practicing on it…

MC: he must be hurt.

S: No its not.

Y: Did you practice?!

S: I can do it.

S: even though I forgot all the chords…

Y: Try C Key. C Key.

Y: What the heck is that?

S: I did it l like this…

Y: You really don’t remember any of it?

S: Oh it’s these two fingers… two fingers.

Y: Fingers.. What?

Y: Seohyun… guitar… it seemed she neglected it.

MC: even though he bought it.

Y: it’s a guitar that has memories

MC: It was collecting dust.

Y: I wished she practiced on it at least a little bit.

S: Please sing to me like you did last time!

Y: I don’t really know the lyrics to it anymore.

MC: Oh it’s once… ha na (that’s how to say 1 in Korean)

MH: Once means one time though…

MC: It’s not tonce (two + once)

Y: OH the feeling is back again.

MC: This is also going to be their last time they sing together like this.

MC: it is their last time.

Y: This also has been a while.

S: You’re right.

Y: a year has past.

S: Really…

Y: Oh Seohyun Shi,

S: Yes?!

Y: Shall we drops honorifics?

S: No.

S: We only been together for 1yr.

Y: Oh so you’re the type of person who doesn’t easily speak in banmal?

S: Yes.

Y: that is what I hate the most.

S: I’ll be leaving now.

Y: You can’t even joke around?

S: you really know how to joke around a lot.

Y: Oh it’s because I feel as if I met you a lot already.

MC: what is this?

MC: Why shut off the lights!?

S: What is this!?

MC: you can’t forget about the brother in laws.

MH: We prepared the same goguma cake like last time.

MC: CNBlue brothers did a lot.

MC: They helped out a lot.

JS: I am moved by this.

Y: I knew you guys would do this!

JS: We knew you guys were going to be here.

S: let’s blow it together!

S & Y: 1,2,3!

MH: We personally wrote on the cake.

S: This looks like a frog.

JH: I personally wrote that.

JH: what do you think?

S: Its cute!

Y: you were all standing right there and couldn’t say anything!

S: I remember this.

JH: oh we didn’t this!

Y: you had to snap your fingers!

JS: let’s do the ensemble.

S: What?

Y: We have to use this.

S: Ah!

JH: why suddenly this song?

Y: we sang this song back then.

S: Right.

MH: I was playing the drums… I was really playing the drums.

S: I was sitting right here.

JH: Oh really?!

Y: And you guys each taught her individually an instrument.

JH: Oh last time we did this?


S: You guys did it.

MH: oh I remember back then now.

S: I remember it.

Y: I remember when you were teaching her the bass, what did I say to you?

JS: Oh right, right.

S: right.



Y: Get a hold of yourself.

JS: I must be crazy.

Y: if you only kept that hairstyle.

S: Shrimp sushi!

Y: Shrimp sushi!?

Y: You should have come with the shrimp sushi hairstyle!

JS: I’m sorry I don’t knows the basics.

JH: Go and do it then come back!

JH & S: I’ll eat well!

MH: cheers, cheers, cheers, let’s cheer one time.

S: cheer?

MH: Yongseo Couple everlasting.

JH: Everlasting~

Y: Everlasting~… sounds like a historical drama.

Y: Back then we couldn’t even talk like this.

S: You’re right. It was really awkward back then.

Y: Jungshin, You know that picture you gave me, I finally put it up.

Y: I put that in the car and drove it.

JS: Doesn’t this deserve a round of applause?

Y: Oh it doesn’t need one…

JH: How long did it take you to do it?

Y: doesn’t it usually take 1yr to get driver’s license?

Y: Last time where did we go after?

Y: the sauna.


Y: yea.

MH: really!?

Y: What, since you went there a year ago you don’t want to go back?

MH: No, no no! it’s not that. It’s just… it’s so similar to before…

Y: Yeah, we’re really going. Lets clean up quick so we can go.

JH: Don’t leave just yet, I have prepared a present for you guys.

Y: Oh really?

S: really?

MC: Oh a song present?

JH: You have to pay for my food expenses.

Y: pay for food expenses.

Song: to me you are, you are to me…

To you, I'm like

Y: I knew you guys would sing this.

CNBLUE: the sunset and a chapter of your memory. A memory of our precious younger days that has no regrets..

MC: Yonghwa is acting up again.

CNBLUE: and I wish it'd be kept in your heart as a beautiful picture of the past.

CNBLUE: To me, you are like the sunshine that

JS: peel the egg

JS: You don’t know what artificial flavoring is?

CNBLUE: shone upon my lonely heart. Like the unchanging precious stone

on your pale hand, you're forever in my heart.

Y: You will be really surprised.

< the memories that they have is just like a dream>

MH: I remember she called him the nation friend jungshin friend that time.

S: Thank you.

JH: thank you for making our hyung into a person. After he met you, he laughs more often and is brighter. He was originally a bright person but he became even brighter.

JS: He became too bright.

MH: After Yonghwa hyung met you I could see that his heart opened up.

MH: I really… felt your strength.

JH: It’s the Hyun effect.

JS: They pretty much said everything… I’m glad that we became closer.

S: Your right.

JS: And we will be still able to see each other a lot…

S: Thank you!

JH: Say something individually.

S: right now?

Y: Later, when I drop her off at her house. I’ll say it then.

JH: Oh really? Alright…

MC: Look at that, that’s when you have to have some sense.

MC: The two are going to talk alone later.

S: Even though they are congratulating us, it had a dim feeling… I thought it felt like that.

MC: when we saw it we felt that too.

S: Even though it was so awkward…they put in a lot of effort. They got close to me. I am thankful to them as in laws and I’m thankful to them because they are good people.

Everyone: It came out nice…

MC: this is when you only look at yourself.

MC: you’re right.

MC: It came out nice.

<2011 today, spring, with precious people>

Y: I’ll see you at home.

MH: you did well.

S: Thank you very much.

JS: Have a good time you guys.

JH: Fighting!

S: Thank you.

MC: He is quickly making you guys leave.

JS: He was slightly pushing us.

S: That was fun.

Y: That was fun right? I keep thinking back.

S: Yeah, but back then we were really awkward around eachother.

Y: After it was awkward that was the end of it.

S: Where is the guitar?

Y: Your guitar?

S: Yes.

S: Oh there it is, the guitar.

S: Now, I will sing a song.

MC: Oh with the guitar?

MC: but she said she didn’t remember the chords.

S: Listen to the lyrics please.

< can’t play the guitar?>

MC: Oh wow, she must have practiced hard!

MC: Wow she is playing well!

MC: He is moved by that.

MC: Wow she must have practiced a lot.

cr. to Dduk of soompi

LALACAKES translation

The first day that we met, I still remember that awkward meeting.

MC: OH she is using Banmal right now!

What words should I say, how should I reply.. I really worried a lot.

But a day passed, then a month, and now a year

MC: She made different lyrics right?

I won’t be able to forget those precious memories and I have a final thing I want to say.

We will be able to speak banmal even though it’s a bit awkward and unnatural

Instead of thank you (formal) should I say it a bit more casually(banmal)?

We will be able to speak banmal, as I slowly draw closer

MC: Her ears went red.

Now, I will look into your two eyes and say it…


Y: Oh what is this?!

MC: you didn’t know about this?

JS: yeah, we didn’t know at all.

MC: It was a surprise.

MC: Yonghwa must be really happy.

Y: you just played it?

S: Did you listen to the lyrics?

Y: Yeah.

S: (the lyrics) Did you understand it?

S: There was no YO (formal way to end a sentence)

Y: AH!

MC: She took all the YO’s out of the song.

S: There is a deep thought to it.

Y: So you intentionally did it like that?

S: Yes.

Y: I never thought of that.

S: But were the chords right?

Y: They were right.

S: really?

Y: How did you learn how to play like that? With the chords?

S: For his.. I asked JungMo Oppa’s help.

MC: Jungmo Oppa…


Y: Alright…

S: But it was only once when we were in a concert together.

S: that concert, his dressing room was next to ours so I asked him then.

Y: You did?

S: Yes

S: I remembered back then in Kanghwado, while fishing, I sang for him and he liked it. So I felt again that oh my husband likes something like this…and also, today is the last day and if I don’t speak to him in banmal then I feel that I am going to be so sorry to Yong husband and I felt that I was going regret it.

Y: Oh.. she prepared the banmal song… I was moved to first even see that she brought her guitar with her but for her to do something like this…wow…really. Without even knowing … really those lyrics are really between us two and since we know what it really means… so when I hear those lyrics…I think oh we really …

MC: He can’t speak properly.

MC: he must be sad.

Y: with lyrics like this we can really empathize with each other.

MC: He likes it.

Y: Where should we go now?

S: I’m hungry(informally)

S: You’re not hungry? (informally)

MC: She is speaking in banmal right now!

Y: When you speak in banmal your voice changes?

S: No~


S: Was I like that?

S: You’re nOt HunGry? (informal)

Y: I am hungry.

S: Then (informal)

MC: Ddukbokgi? (spicy rice cake)

S: Then (informal)

S: SHINDANG! What do you think about going there?

Y: what?

MC: It’s so awkward.

Y: SHINDANG… You want to go?

S: Do you want to go to shindangdong? (informal)

Y: Oh you’re doing well.

S: Am I?

MC: It looks almost sour.

S: Let’s go.

Y: How long did Jungmo hyung teach you for?

Y: for one hour?

MC: oh before they separate, he throws that in.

via YongSeo Couple @ FB

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