Anyyeong. Baru bangun langsung ngecek, dan foila, akhirnya translationnya kelar juga. Ini dia
Y: The last mission…
Y: This is the last mission… Last mission
Y: Give your wife the happiest day?
Y: tada
S: Oh, right! Today is white day!
Y: White day.
S: Oh, thank you so much!
S: looks tasty, Thank you. Look at this!
Y: inside me is you.
S: Looks tasty. I’ll save it and eat it later.
Y: Hey, did you see the mission card?
S: Let’s have a good time today.
Y: I’m going to cry.
S: I’m not going to cry.
Y: Is it fun? You can laugh about this?
Y: Ah, to think that this is the last time I’m going to lay down here.
S: Do you want to lay down for a bit?
Y: I have to do this…
S: It feels that I have to shred yam…
S: This little…
Y: what did you say?
Y: Oh right, Seohyun.
Y: If we are going to go and have fun then we will need money.
S: You’re right.
Y: From our savings account…
S: Saving account? We had something like that?
Y: Why are you like that….?
S: what is that?
Y: from a while back…
MC: Oh my gosh, does she not remember?
Y: When we watched Avatar.
S: When we watched Avatar.
MC: Oh Seohyun – sshi!
< 1year ago Yongseo couple making a couple’s savings account>
Bank assistant: Pleas come again!
Y: I’ll come back when I need the money.
Y: Don’t act like you don’t know… I know everything.
S: No really!
Y: You’re acting like you don’t know!
S: What do you mean?
Y: Don’t act Seo JuHyun. This is it…
S: OH! It’s real!
S: Oh it’s real! Oh! Now I remember!
Y: Don’t lie to me. Don’t act Seo Juhyun.
S: I don’t remember it.
S: Of course I remember it. How would I not remember it?
S: if I said that I did remember he would think that I would have deposited a lot. That isn’t the case!.
S: It’s been a while since the weather is actually nice>
Y: Ah, you’re right. Let’s go and catch the bus, the bus.
S: Oh~ oppa, you still didn’t get your driver’s license?
Y: Oh man, when do I have time to get it?
S: What is this!?
Y: Oh I didn’t have time to get a license.
MC: the whole nation is happy because Jung Yonghwa got his license.
S: I don’t want to die though!
S: You can’t drive without a license!
Y: What do you mean without license? I am a person who acquired it undoubtedly in this nation.
S: When did you get your license?
MC: So he didn’t tell her because he wanted to surprise her.
S: SEAT BELT! SEAT BELT! This person!...
S: Since when did you get your license that you forgot about that?
S: wow. It really is like a dream.
MC: this couple always walked around.
MC: So apparently girls like guys who have cars.
MC: I want to meet a guy who has a car.
MC: Has a car and is good looking.
MC: oh really? I only have a car.
S: It’s the picture from that time.
MC: Oh he is showing his license.
MC: oh it’s that picture, that picture
Y: I should have brought you to your college.
MC: When he drives, does he usually open his mouth?
S: be careful not to scratch others.
MC: He isn’t looking the other way.
MC: His mouth is still wide open.
MC: To look cool, the guy has to do this in one go.
MC: Oh his tires are still out.
MC: He will have to get out and see it and then he has to get back in.
Y: Oh! The tires! The tires are out.
Y: I’ll just change the tires and come back out.
Y: OH I almost parked horribly!
Y: what about the savings account…
S: I really didn’t.. I’ll believe in you.
S: You have to put it in like that?
MC: I wonder how much is in there.
Y: When did you deposit money?
Y: When did you put in so much?
Bank teller: what can I do for you today?
Y: We came today to retrieve our hard earned money… to spend it.
Bank teller: with your withdrawal, are you also closing the account?
MC: Oh they have to close their account.
Y: We have to even close the account?
Y: I only came here once but I already have to close the account.
Y: when do people usually close their accounts?
Bank teller: they end their joint account when they are separating.
Y: We can still have this accounting booklet…
Bankteller: yes you can keep the booklet.
S: I was going to do the same thing.
S: Alright, for now let’s keep this and get going.
MC: I wonder what last happy day it would be.
S: Oppa, how long do you think it is going to take?
S: the feeling of the first meeting. That feeling.
S: I want to feel that again… and I thought about separating beautifully.
MC: Oh wow, they are going back to the first meeting place.
MC: right there, in the front.
MC: Oh, CNBLUE were there also…
MH: Jungshin back then was wearing the backpack and pretended to be the husband.
MC: He wore the similar clothing and is wearing his handmade scarf.
MC: She’s wearing the same backpack, and even the blanket!
MC: why are your shoulders so tiny!?
MC: are they acting out their first meeting?
MC: they must really feel weird.
S: Oppa… why do you look different?
Y: what do you mean different? I wore similar clothes.
S: This is my first time meeting you.
MH: The only difference is their age.
S: Yong husband already just looked at me differently. Just like when I met him the first time.
Y: Wow, it was really the same. That feeling. It was so similar.
Y: After recollecting my memories from the past year, I think I was even more glad to see her.
Y: This is our first meeting and you’re acting like this?
S: you put a lot of effort into the greeting.
JS: After Yong hyung went on WGM his sense got weaker
^(Authors note, I really didn’t get what they said here! SORRY!)
S: Please put on your seatbelt.
S: Mine is Ban Ki-Moon, the UN secretary general.
Y: Books? I would like to read them…
S: there is a self-improvement genre.
Y: Oh do you like to read books?
S: who is the person you respect?...
Y: I respect Ban Ki-moon the UN Secretary General.
Y: I read a book that was about him and became a fan.
Y: how about you Seohyun sshi?
S: I too admire Ban Ki-Moon the UN Secretary General.
Y: Is this how we understand each other?
MC: After they met they became similar.
Y: I wrote down what I wanted to ask when I get a wife.
MH: Oh so this time it’s Yonghwa who is asking the questions from the diary.
Y: One, which idol do you like?
Y: Out of the members of CNBlue who do you like the most?
< what will she say this time?>
S: The person who sings the best?
S: The person looks like an octopus.
MC: Oh the person who looks like an octopus.
Y: I don’t think anyone looks like an octopus.
Y: You’re the one who looks like an octopus.
S: No. What do you mean an octopus?
Y: What is the drama that you liked?
S: I really like historical dramas.
Y: You don’t like dramas with good looking guys?
S: Oh, you mean Boy’s Over Flowers?
Y: What is your husband’s name?
S: My husband’s name is … Jung…
Y: Yes, with that one answer you answered everything.
MC: Those questions had answers to them?
S: Yes, everybody should know it.
Y: this is the last question. What is the difference between love and like?
Y: Have you ever went out with a guy before?
S: what is the difference between love and like?
Y: you.. you really are great.
S: Is to have a good feeling toward someone.
S: Is to have good feelings toward someone x100. I means that you have more interest in that person.
S: To love is to like that person deeper!
Y: to love that person deeper?
S: to use a figure of speech, I’ll try to make a beautiful.
S: I really thought about it hard. It might not be the right answer but… I thought isn’t like that?
S: Oppa, what do you think love is?
S: to think about that person.
Y: makes you crazy. *sighs* something like that.
Y: Thanks Seohyun, for thinking like that.
Y: it’s the same practice room from before.
MH: yes that is our office/practice room.
S: It really has been a while.
Y: Wow, It really is the same.
Y: this is actually my favorite room.
MC: I remember they played their guitar and practiced there.
MC: ah, he pushed back her hair.
Y: Seohyun shi, do you like the guitar?
S: Please sing me I’m a Loner!
Y: Coming here, it really does remind me of our first meeting.
S: I know. I really remember it.
Y: Would you like to learn how to play the guitar?
Y: Do you have the confidence to learn it?
Y: I taught it once to someone but for 1yr didn’t practice.
S: Oh they must have had a reason.
Y: Ay~ how can there be something like that?
Y: It’s been a while since you saw it.
S: Oh no, you have dust on you.
MC: That is the guitar that Yonghwa personally bought.
S: I think I need to tune my guitar again…
MC: if you don’t play with the instrument for a while it gets broken.
Y: I thought you were practicing on it…
S: even though I forgot all the chords…
Y: You really don’t remember any of it?
S: Oh it’s these two fingers… two fingers.
Y: Seohyun… guitar… it seemed she neglected it.
Y: it’s a guitar that has memories
Y: I wished she practiced on it at least a little bit.
S: Please sing to me like you did last time!
Y: I don’t really know the lyrics to it anymore.
MC: Oh it’s once… ha na (that’s how to say 1 in Korean)
MH: Once means one time though…
MC: It’s not tonce (two + once)
Y: OH the feeling is back again.
MC: This is also going to be their last time they sing together like this.
Y: This also has been a while.
S: We only been together for 1yr.
Y: Oh so you’re the type of person who doesn’t easily speak in banmal?
Y: that is what I hate the most.
Y: You can’t even joke around?
S: you really know how to joke around a lot.
Y: Oh it’s because I feel as if I met you a lot already.
MC: you can’t forget about the brother in laws.
MH: We prepared the same goguma cake like last time.
MC: CNBlue brothers did a lot.
Y: I knew you guys would do this!
JS: We knew you guys were going to be here.
MH: We personally wrote on the cake.
Y: you were all standing right there and couldn’t say anything!
Y: you had to snap your fingers!
Y: we sang this song back then.
MH: I was playing the drums… I was really playing the drums.
Y: And you guys each taught her individually an instrument.
MH: oh I remember back then now.
Y: I remember when you were teaching her the bass, what did I say to you?
Y: if you only kept that hairstyle.
Y: You should have come with the shrimp sushi hairstyle!
JS: I’m sorry I don’t knows the basics.
JH: Go and do it then come back!
MH: cheers, cheers, cheers, let’s cheer one time.
MH: Yongseo Couple everlasting.
Y: Everlasting~… sounds like a historical drama.
Y: Back then we couldn’t even talk like this.
S: You’re right. It was really awkward back then.
Y: Jungshin, You know that picture you gave me, I finally put it up.
Y: I put that in the car and drove it.
JS: Doesn’t this deserve a round of applause?
JH: How long did it take you to do it?
Y: doesn’t it usually take 1yr to get driver’s license?
Y: Last time where did we go after?
Y: What, since you went there a year ago you don’t want to go back?
MH: No, no no! it’s not that. It’s just… it’s so similar to before…
Y: Yeah, we’re really going. Lets clean up quick so we can go.
JH: Don’t leave just yet, I have prepared a present for you guys.
JH: You have to pay for my food expenses.
Song: to me you are, you are to me…
Y: I knew you guys would sing this.
MC: Yonghwa is acting up again.
CNBLUE: and I wish it'd be kept in your heart as a beautiful picture of the past.
CNBLUE: To me, you are like the sunshine that
JS: You don’t know what artificial flavoring is?
CNBLUE: shone upon my lonely heart. Like the unchanging precious stone
on your pale hand, you're forever in my heart.
Y: You will be really surprised.
< the memories that they have is just like a dream>
MH: I remember she called him the nation friend jungshin friend that time.
MH: After Yonghwa hyung met you I could see that his heart opened up.
MH: I really… felt your strength.
JS: They pretty much said everything… I’m glad that we became closer.
JS: And we will be still able to see each other a lot…
JH: Say something individually.
Y: Later, when I drop her off at her house. I’ll say it then.
MC: Look at that, that’s when you have to have some sense.
MC: The two are going to talk alone later.
S: Even though they are congratulating us, it had a dim feeling… I thought it felt like that.
MC: when we saw it we felt that too.
MC: this is when you only look at yourself.
<2011 today, spring, with precious people>
JS: Have a good time you guys.
MC: He is quickly making you guys leave.
JS: He was slightly pushing us.
Y: That was fun right? I keep thinking back.
S: Yeah, but back then we were really awkward around eachother.
Y: After it was awkward that was the end of it.
S: Oh there it is, the guitar.
MC: but she said she didn’t remember the chords.
S: Listen to the lyrics please.
MC: Oh wow, she must have practiced hard!
MC: Wow she must have practiced a lot.
The first day that we met, I still remember that awkward meeting.
MC: OH she is using Banmal right now!
What words should I say, how should I reply.. I really worried a lot.
But a day passed, then a month, and now a year
MC: She made different lyrics right?
I won’t be able to forget those precious memories and I have a final thing I want to say.
We will be able to speak banmal even though it’s a bit awkward and unnatural
Instead of thank you (formal) should I say it a bit more casually(banmal)?
We will be able to speak banmal, as I slowly draw closer
Now, I will look into your two eyes and say it…
MC: you didn’t know about this?
JS: yeah, we didn’t know at all.
MC: Yonghwa must be really happy.
S: Did you listen to the lyrics?
S: (the lyrics) Did you understand it?
S: There was no YO (formal way to end a sentence)
MC: She took all the YO’s out of the song.
S: There is a deep thought to it.
Y: So you intentionally did it like that?
Y: How did you learn how to play like that? With the chords?
S: For his.. I asked JungMo Oppa’s help.
S: But it was only once when we were in a concert together.
S: that concert, his dressing room was next to ours so I asked him then.
Y: with lyrics like this we can really empathize with each other.
S: You’re not hungry? (informally)
MC: She is speaking in banmal right now!
Y: When you speak in banmal your voice changes?
S: You’re nOt HunGry? (informal)
MC: Ddukbokgi? (spicy rice cake)
S: SHINDANG! What do you think about going there?
S: Do you want to go to shindangdong? (informal)
Y: How long did Jungmo hyung teach you for?
MC: oh before they separate, he throws that in.
via YongSeo Couple @ FB
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